El desarrollo turístico y territorial basado en el surf: Ribamóntan al Mar, "surf a toda costa"

Ignacio Sariego López
Alberto Moreno Melgarejo

Main Article Content

Published: sept. 30, 2015
Pages: 119-136
In the last few years, surf is becoming an economic and tourist activity with promising development possibilities, able
to consolidate tourist service infrastructure, reduce seasonality and create new job expectations. The promotion and marketing of large
surf clothing and accessories fi rms, cinematographic and musical trends as well as social networks are contributing to promote surfi ng
as fashionable sport.
For this reason, the objective of this research is to highlight the great possibilities surfi ng is acquiring as a tourist product.
In order to analyses this current trend, it is taken as reference the case of the municipality of Ribamontán al Mar (Cantabria,
Spain), national pioneer destination using surf tourism as a key selling proposition through its specifi c Plan of Surf Tourism
Through various analyses the article probes the importance of surf tourism for this municipality both from offer and demand
approaches. It clearly probes through evidence that surf tourism has become a key element leading towards socio-economic growth
within the territory. Finally, the study presents some fi nal considerations illustrating the development and the relevance of this activity.

Article Details

Surfi ng, Ribamontán al Mar, tourism, competitiveness, demand

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