Los retos del turismo cultural en la ciudad de Santander para convertirse en un destino seguro pos-COVID-19

Ignacio Sariego López

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2020
Pages: 59-70

After the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism activity has found a turning point in its development. The following research, based on a study of demand carried out in 2018 with a representative sample of 2,203 cases, presents a state of cultural tourism in the city of Santander during that period, and proposes a possible future scenario in relation to tourism in this city as economic activity recovers.
The results show that the city of Santander is, eminently, a national, faithful and safe destination, and that the positive evaluation given by tourists in their previous experiences favours a relatively favourable pos-COVID-19 stage with a great capacity of tourist resilience. Fostering digitalisation, sustainability and, above all, security will be three key elements for recovering the confidence of the main issuing markets and for strengthening links with tourists.

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