Territorio, paisaje turismo y TIC. La Realidad Aumentada y la Realidad Virtual como herramientas para la promoción del turismo

Felipe Fernández García
Daniel Herrera Arenas

The relationship between territory, landscape and tourism is analysed, on the basis that the landscape is the expression of the territory, of its character, and that. As such, it is a prime resource for tourism; an intelligent and innovative tourism which, supported by cutting-edge technologies, could contribute to the sustainable development of the territory. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are technologies which, through the enhancement of the landscape and the territory, contribute to better management and promotion of tourism. As an example of the potential of these tools, some examples of their application in the form of virtual tours, tourist brochures, maps and plans are presented.

Article Details

Teritory, landscape, tourism, Augmented reality, Virtual reality
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