Tourism and sports events in Santander an economic and social analysis

Ignacio Sariego López
Pedro Solana-González

Main Article Content

Published: Dec 30, 2023
Pages: 7-22

Sports events increase the attractiveness of the host city where they are held and have the capacity to attract a large number of tourists, increasing visitor spending; hence the interest of public agents in attracting them, both for their current and potential contribution to tourism development. This research study provides information on the economic and social consequences of the main national and international sporting competitions for the city of Santander, with the year 2022 as the timeframe for analysis. The study used a participatory methodology by means of personal interviews with those responsible for the sporting events held in the city, both the promoters and the public bodies involved. The results of the SWOT analysis provided a detailed knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of holding sporting events. Likewise, the results of the cost-benefit analysis show the positive economic impact that sporting competitions have had on the city of Santander. The research provides a clear view of the relevance and impact of sporting events for the city and provides public administrations and sport promoters valuable recommendations for the future.

Article Details

tourism, sports competitions, tourism development, Santander

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