La exclusión de las minorías en la actividad turística

Montserrat Crespi-Vallbona
Flavia Cornejo Vargas

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2021
Pages: 99-121

The World Tourism Organization and the United Nations Organization have incorporated elements to curb discrimination against minorities in their tourist trips, as well as to facilitate fair and inclusive access for all in the tourism industry. The academy has barely analyzed this discrimination from the perspective of travelers from minority groups, so this study aims to find out to what extent this segregation that minorities find on their trips has been corrected. Specifically, it focuses on analyzing the discrimination (or lack thereof) that the community that in the United States identifies itself as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) experiences while traveling as a tourist, as well as the existence or lack of diversity and representation within the tourism industry. The qualitative analysis of the primary data obtained through a questionnaire with 261 people and 14 in-depth interviews with BIPOC members corroborate the permanence of this discriminatory treatment and the perception of lack of representation in tourist activities. It is concluded that despite the ethical codes of non-governmental organizations, it still remains a hard road ahead.

Article Details

Tourism, Discrimination, Inclusion, Exclusion, Minorities, BIPOC

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