Impacto económico del turismo académico en una universidad pública española condicionantes históricos, soluciones actuales en el marco del EEES y vínculos con la investigación turística

Eva Martín Fuentes
Carlos Sánchez Dávalos

Main Article Content

Published: Dec 30, 2015
Pages: 9-26
This study analyses the profi le of the exchange students attending to a Spanish medium size public university, during the
courses 2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15, the economic impact and valuation that generate this students of the various services offered by
the University and the city that welcomes them.
It is concluded that these students, considering them as academic tourists, generate an average of economic impact between 2.3 and
4.9 million euros in the region that surrounds them, as well as a boost for the region as a tourist destination with the arrival of family and
friends and are, in general, a great satisfaction of their passage through this university and the city, furthermore using the word of mouth
to get to know and choosing the destination.

Article Details

Movilidad, turismo, impacto económico, estudiantes
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