Las TIC como factor clave en la gestión de las empresas turísticas el caso del lobo

Natalia Daries Ramón
Eduard Cristóbal Fransi

Main Article Content

Published: Dec 30, 2016
Pages: 63-74
The ICT implementation, globalization and Network society are forcing a change in the traditional way of managing tourism companies and have a great influence on the tourist consumer behavior. The main objective of the present work is to carry out a prospective analysis on this phenomenon, focusing on the effects that concern in each one of the economic agents involved: the companies, the public organisms and, finally, the consumers. The study was carried out through a panel of experts. The results show the gap between the expectations of the use of ICT by the customers of interaction, personalization and specialization and the expectations of the businessmen to improve the turnover and profitability of the management.

Article Details

TIC, sector turístico, estudio prospectivo, comercio electrónico
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