Landscape as a resource in tourism and heritage promotion through new technologies : a proposal for Saliencia Valley and Camín de La Mesa in Somiedo (Asturias)

Amalia Jimenez Morales
Carmen Rodríguez Pérez
Juan Sevilla Álvarez

The municipality of Somiedo (28,980 hectares) is one of the most important in Asturias both from the point of view of management of natural resources and in tourism promotion, due to the richness of its natural and cultural heritage. It has been institutionally recognized through a Biosphere Reserve and a Natural Park, among other protection figures. Taking advantage of this recognition as a tourist destination with an appreciable diversity of heritage resources, the aim is to promote the historic Camín de la Mesa as a landscape itinerary aligned with the principles of sustainable tourism. In this regard, the design of a viewpoint with complementary digital information on panels is proposed in Saliencia, near the Camín Real. It is planned to incorporate additional information through Augmented Reality (AR) as well as access online content using Virtual Reality (VR).

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Author Biographies

Amalia Jimenez Morales, Universidad de Oviedo

Grupo de Investigación Acreditado ARPE-Observatorio del Territorio Departamento de Geografía Universidad de Oviedo Calle Francisco Rodríguez García s/n 33011, Oviedo.  


Carmen Rodríguez Pérez, Universidad de Oviedo

Grupo de Investigación Acreditado ARPE-Observatorio del Territorio Departamento de Geografía Universidad de Oviedo Calle Francisco Rodríguez García s/n 33011, Oviedo.      

Juan Sevilla Álvarez, Universidad de Oviedo

Grupo de Investigación Acreditado ARPE-Observatorio del Territorio Departamento de Geografía Universidad de Oviedo Calle Francisco Rodríguez García s/n 33011, Oviedo.