El poder de los intangibles en la comunicación del ecoturismo el caso del lobo

José Ignacio Vega
Pablo Garrido Pintado

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2016
Pages: 29-39
The present work offers a conceptual approach to the intangible values associated with the Iberian wolf. In turn, it exposes a definition of the geodestino concept and proposes a delimitation of some regions that conform the “Geodestino of the Iberian Wolf” in the Iberian Peninsula.
On the other hand, it exposes the communicative needs of a new type of tourist, more informed, demanding new services. It shows that intangible assets related to the Wolf help innovation in ecotourism communication. Posing effective communication focused on combating negative topics and enhancing local identity. Finally an example of communication directed to the public is developed, focused on messages that emotionally connect with the audience.

Article Details

Innovación, ecoturismo, intangibles, identidad local, conexión emocional, internet, conservación del patrimonio, lobo, oferta turística, imagen del destino, espacios protegidos