Albergues de carretera: la metamorfosis de un tipo hotelero

María José Rodríguez Pérez
Antonio Ceresuela Puche

Main Article Content

Published: sept. 30, 2015
Pages: 35-70
The roadside inns (albergues de carretera), a work from the architects Carlos Arniches and Martín Domínguez, have
had a recurring interest from architects and tourism’s historians, due to both their value of anticipation to the Modern Movement as
well as being one of the key hotel types of the National Tourism Board (Patronato Nacional de Turismo). Nevertheless, this matter has
been regarded so far in a way that has avoided the particular scale of each one of the properties. Over forty years of the 20th century,
the roadside inns chain was a hotel structure in its own right within the national tourist accommodation chain which was born linked
to an architectural prototype. This article undertakes a critical review of the common origin of the twelve roadside inns throughout the
premises from the fi rst proposal and the fi nal project, in order to analyse its diversifi cation along the successive transformations over
time as a result of reforms, extensions or change in use. This study has taken as a starting point the unpublished documentation of various
fi les, which have been verifi ed with the in situ data gathering in each one of the roadside inns. The current outlook of a dismantled chain
and with any properties in various circumstances, some have even disappeared, requires a fi nal consideration regarding a possible reuse
of the remaining buildings.

Article Details

Tourist administration, roadside inn (albergue de carretera), architecture, Arniches, Domínguez, Paradores network, rehabilitation, tourism

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