Los alquileres turísticos contexto histórico y situación actual

Alejandro Llobell Dalmau

Main Article Content

Published: jun. 30, 2018
Pages: 79-99
The mass tourism has activated the circulation of all the resources of holiday accommodation, configuring in some tourist destinations of the Costa Blanca a new form of accommodation of large dimensions called Housing for Tourist Use (VUT) parallel to the accommodation of the hotel sector especially in destinations with a limited hotel offer. This modality -not so recent- of holiday accommodation also involves activities adjacent to the tourism sector, among them, the so-called P2P economy or collaborative economy with a strong impact on tourist rentals, and, at the same time, problems arising from a certain administrative lack of control not only in the quality of the product offered through digital platforms, but also the opaque taxation resulting from the lack of application of existing laws and regulations at the local, regional or national level.
This study analyzes the current situation in the ambiguous sector of tourist rentals, enclosed under the epigraph of extra-hotel offer, imprecise denomination that defines and determines all the services of tourist accommodation -not included in the hotel offer- in a single concept. However, there is a well differentiated reality between the various products contained in this definition, which is, therefore, a source of great confusion among consumers.

Article Details

Alquileres turísticos, potencial económico, capacidad de alojamiento, puesta en valor, competencia desleal, intrusismo