Mejoras en materia de turismo y viajes del grado en turismo en Cuba contribución al desarrollo sostenible

C. Migdely Barbarita Ochoa Ávila
Enrique Navarro Jurado
Francisco Feria Velázquez
Justa Medina Labrada

Main Article Content

Published: Jun 30, 2018
Pages: 121-133
An analysis at the methodological level of the Degree in Tourism of the University of Holguín in Cuba, on a specific topic in the field of Tourism and Travel from 2003 to the present. The methodology applied was qualitative research through analysis and synthesis, the application of qualitative research, 25% of students and teachers at the beginning of the first semester of the 2017-2018 school year. Carry out a greater number of methodological activities to strengthen the intradisciplinary treatment of the contents of the subjects, for the achievement of the objectives of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

Article Details

Grado en Turismo, Turismo y Viajes, Intradisciplinariedad, Desarrollo Sostenible