Current comparative paradigm in the language requirements of licensed tourist guides in Spain
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Spain receives a large number of tourists and the licensed tour guide is one of the most common figures who receive them as a “cultural broker”. In this encounter, English is often used as a lingua franca. However, addressing the tourist in their own mother tongue connects directly with identity and affective aspects, so that the tour guide in this case becomes a more pleasant experience for the visitor. Tourist guidance in Spain is a transferred competence to the autonomous communities and each one has its own regulations. This article analyzes the weight of second foreign languages in Tourism higher education and professional training, which lead to the profession of tourist guide in Spain; as well as the qualification requirements for tourist guides in the different autonomous communities. The inconsistent regulation of the second foreign language deserves special attention here. As a result of this analysis, it is verified that the level of specificity in the linguistic regulation for the qualification of the tourist guide tends to be directly proportional to the annual number of visitors of each Autonomous Community
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