Las viñetas filatélicas como elemento publicitario el caso de la hotelería española

Ester Noguer Juncà
Josep Sauret Pont

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2021
Pages: 21-39

he hotel industry, as almost economic activities, has used cinderella as advertising tool, a little-known aspect that was important until the 1970s when they became obsolete with social changes and the beginning of mass tourism. Considering this reality, the purpose of this article is to analyze the origin and historical evolution of hotel poster stamps enclosing some Spanish examples both in circulated letters and in uncirculated vignettes. Additionally, the differences with luggage labels, also a popular advertising tool during this period and with which they are often confused, are explained. To do this, publications of philatelic societies, newspapers and magazines of those days, museums, libraries and post offices archives, and private collections have been reviewed.

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