Gastronomía y turismo el histórico Monasterio de San Juan de la Peña y el Cenobio antiquísimo de Santa María de las Sorores de Santa Cruz

José Antonio López de Letona y Roldán

Main Article Content

Published: Dec 30, 1968
Pages: 5-23

La satisfacción de la necesidad fisica de la alimentación gana a través de la historia la categoría de bien cultural. Cuando el arte culinario se conjuga con el mensaje turístico se produce una serie de When the art of cookery is handle together with the message of tourist communication we can attend a number of occurrences of undeniable sociological and practical intereset. On the one hand a concern expands in order to provide the senses with a convincing interpretation of national scope. On the other hand this appraisal leads to the industrialisation of the typical with the subsequent danger of mystification. The problems of tourist labour concerning the art of cookery are exposed from a double angle; techique aplied to the needs of tourist industry and on the other hand the sensible and respecful handling of the authentic and genuine typical dishes. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG

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