El gasto del turismo de nieve y su efecto en la Val D'Arán

Teresa Torres Solé
Laura Segú Noray

Main Article Content

Published: Sep 30, 2014
Pages: 73-83
Skiing and snow sports have in Val d’Aran great prestige, as evidenced by the ski resort of Baqueira-Beret exceed
765.000 skiers per season. After nearly 50 years since the opening of the station, the aim of this article is to know the effect it has had
its foundation in the economic development of its area of influence, the Val d’Aran. The results show, first, that the visitor of this ski
has a high economic level and takes an average expenditure of 975-1595€ per family (of five members) and weekend. With an special
emphasis on the activities of hotels and restaurants. Moreover, we can conclude that tourism Baqueira-Beret takes an average daily
expenditure than receptor tourism to Spain basically attracted to the sun and the beach. Thus one can say that the ski resort is one of the
most important economic impacts of the Val d’Aran.

Article Details

Turismo de nieve, gasto del turismo, efecto económico, Baqueira-Beret

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