Gestión Ambiental en los hoteles de Santiago de Compostela

Claudia Soledad León Huamán
Adolfo Carballo-Peneda

Main Article Content

Published: Dec 30, 2014
Pages: 47-62
This article aims to provide knowledge about the implementation of environmental management practices in hotels of the
city of Santiago de Compostela. Secondly, this research analyses the existence of differences with regard to the level of implementation
of environmental management practices, considering the category of the studied hotels.Finally, this article aims to add knowledge
regardingmanagers’ perception of the role of environmental management in order to improve the competitiveness of their hotels.
The results show that the implementation of environmental management practices in 4 and 5 star-hotels is higher than in 3, 2 and
1 star-hotels. Statistical analysis confirms this finding, showing that some differences (e.g. those related to the implementation of
environmental management systems) are statistically significant.

Article Details

Responsabilidad social, establecimiento hotelero, gestión medioambiental

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