¿Influye la figura del experto en vinos en el diseño de la carta de vinos del restaurante?

Alejandro Molla Descals
Irene Gil Saura
Gloria Berenguer Contrí
María Eugenia Ruiz Molina

Main Article Content

Published: Dec 30, 2014
Pages: 99-106
Cuisine is one of the activities traditionally linked to Tourism. In fine dining, wine plays a vital role. In view of the increasing complexity of the wine supply, some restaurants have decided to hire a wine expert or sommelier for managing the restaurant
cellar and advising customers. The aim of this paper is to test the differences in wine list management, depending on the presence or
absence of wine expert personnel. As a result of a study conducted at upscale restaurants, we obtain support to the sommelier’s influence
on wine list management through his/her know-how.

Article Details

Sumiller, promoción, vino y hostelería

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