Nuevos conceptos de turismo el turimo genealógico

Rodolfo Orantos Martín

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2015
Pages: 93-104
We present a refl ection on the Genealogical Science, in its concerned with tourism. It is important to fi nd new concepts
and development fi elds. Elsewhere, UK, Italy or the United States of America, in business and trade terms they are already developed
.These mentioned have an enormous potential with development opportunities that extend to academic and university researches and
public or private funding of universities. In Spain all of this does not exist, or has very primitive developments. Researches come from
optimizing resources and its conservation as an economic asset. We are defi nitely valuing, rigorously and without complex, fi nancial
assets that, through tourism, can generate economic activity and employment.

Article Details

Novedad, actividad, investigación, economía, empleo