Poster stamps of Semana Santa as a tourist advertising tool in Spain

Ester Noguer-Juncà
Josep Sauret i Pont

Main Article Content

Published: Dec 30, 2023
Pages: 23-34

Poster stamps are ephemeral product, often discarded due to their perceived low value. As a result, most have vanished. Despite this, they have a link with history and art in each era both at a conceptual level and through their references to painters, poster artists, designers and photographers. Their purpose is to help defray the expenses of the events held and at the same time give them publicity, for which they were affixed to letters as stamps with no postal value. Considering this reality, this article aims to analyze how the poster stamps of Semana Santa in Spain have change the religious purpose to become a tourist attraction. To do this, secondary sources from publications of philatelic groups and materials from public and private organizations are used, as well as the authors' previous researches.

Article Details

cinderella or poster stamps, Semana Santa, religios, tourism, tourist promotion
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