Estado de implantación de los sistemas de gestión de la calidad y de gestión ambiental como precursores de la RSE en el sector hotelero español
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Pérez-Aranda, J. A. (2014). Estado de implantación de los sistemas de gestión de la calidad y de gestión ambiental como precursores de la RSE en el sector hotelero español. Estudios Turísticos, (201), 85–111.
José Antonio Pérez-Aranda
Main Article Content
Published: Sep 30, 2014
Pages: 85-111
In this work, the author presents an approach to the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the dimensions
for their development and implementation are identified. Likewise, the linkages and synergies between excellent management systems
(quality and environment) and CSR are also determined. Furthermore, the research provides information on the degree of implementation
of quality management systems and environmental management systems in the hotel industry as drivers that can facilitate the
implementation and development of CSR in that sector. With respect to the status of certification in the hospitality industry, the findings
are of great value, as these data had never been collected, analyzed and disseminated. The data provide an overview of the quality and
environmental certifications (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, “Q” of Spanish Tourism Quality and EMAS) in the hospitality sector. Among the
key findings, the research highlights that the Spanish hotel sector is ideally placed to develop CSR policies and activities that contribute
to improving their competitiveness and sustainability. This is due both to the synergies found between the dimensions of quality and
environmental CSR, such as the level of commitment of the hotel sector, materialized through the development, implementation and
certification of the above mentioned quality and environmental brands.
for their development and implementation are identified. Likewise, the linkages and synergies between excellent management systems
(quality and environment) and CSR are also determined. Furthermore, the research provides information on the degree of implementation
of quality management systems and environmental management systems in the hotel industry as drivers that can facilitate the
implementation and development of CSR in that sector. With respect to the status of certification in the hospitality industry, the findings
are of great value, as these data had never been collected, analyzed and disseminated. The data provide an overview of the quality and
environmental certifications (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, “Q” of Spanish Tourism Quality and EMAS) in the hospitality sector. Among the
key findings, the research highlights that the Spanish hotel sector is ideally placed to develop CSR policies and activities that contribute
to improving their competitiveness and sustainability. This is due both to the synergies found between the dimensions of quality and
environmental CSR, such as the level of commitment of the hotel sector, materialized through the development, implementation and
certification of the above mentioned quality and environmental brands.
Article Details
Responsabilidad, Responsabilidad, RSE, RSE, calidad, calidad, medio ambiente, medio ambiente, certificación, certificación, ISO, ISO, sostenibilidad, sostenibilidad, hotelería, hotelería
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y Certificación (2000): UNE-EN-ISO 9001:
2000. Disponible en:
AENOR - Asociación Española de Normalización
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Amaeshi, K. M., Adi, B. C., Ogbechie, C., & Amao,
O. O. (2006): Corporate social responsibility in
Nigeria. En: Journal of CorporateCitizenship,
2006(24), 83-99.
Bansal, P., & Hunter, T. (2003): Explicaciones estratégicas
para la pronta adopción de la norma
ISO 14001. En: Journal of Business Ethics , 46
(3), 289-299.
Barcellos, L. & Gil, A. M. (2011): Los desafíos
para la sostenibilidad empresarial en el siglo
XXI. En: Revista Galega de Economía, 2011, vol.
20, no 2, p. 1.
Bigne, E., Chumpitaz, R., Andreu, L. & Swaen, V.
(2005): Percepción de la responsabilidad social
corporativa: un análisis cross-cultural.En: Universia
Business Review, (5), 14-27.
Bohdan, W. & Przasnyski, Z. (1999): Total quality
requires serious training. En: Quality Progress,
October, pp. 63-73.
Carroll, A. B. (1979): A Three Dimensional Conceptual
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En: Academy of Management Review 4(4),
497–505.Carroll, A. B. (1991): The Pyramid of Corporate
Social Responsibility: Toward the Moral Management
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Carroll, A. B.(1999): Corporate Social Responsibility.
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Carroll, A. B. (2000): A Commentary and an Overview
of Key Questions on Corporate Social Performance
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39(4), 466–478.
Castka, P., Bamber, C. J., Bamber, D. J., & Sharp,
J. M. (2004)/ a: Integrating corporate social responsibility
(CSR) into ISO management systems–
in search of a feasible CSR management system
framework.En: The TQM Magazine, 16(3), 216-
Castka, P., Balzarova , M. A., Bamber, C. J., &
Sharp, J. M. (2004)/b: How can SMEs effectively
implement the CSR agenda? A UK case study
perspective. En: Corporate Social Responsibility
and Environmental Management, 11(3), 140-
CCE - Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas
(2001): Libro Verde: Fomentar un marco europeo
para la responsabilidad social de las empresas.
COM (2001) 366 final. Bruselas, 18.7.2001.
Consultado el 19 de marzo del 2014 en: http://
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la responsabilidad social de las empresas: una
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Clarkson, M. E. (1995): A stakeholder framework
for analyzing and evaluating corporate social
performance. En: Academy of management review,
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manufacturing: the development and validation
of a measurement model. En: EuropeanJournal of
OperationalResearch, 146(1), 130-155.
D’aprile, G., & Talò, C. (2013): Measuring Corporate
Social Responsibility as a Psychosocial
Construct: A New Multidimensional Scale. En:
EmployeeResponsibilities and RightsJournal,
Dahlsrud, A. (2008): How corporate social responsibility
is defined: an analysis of 37 definitions.
En: Corporate social responsibility and environmental
management, 15(1), 1-13.
Dopico Parada, A., Rodríguez Daponte, R. & González
Vázquez, E. (2014): Valoración de la RSC
por el consumidor y medición de su efecto sobre
las compras. En: Revista de Administração de
Empresas, 54(1).
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or agenda-setting?. En: Publicrelationsreview,
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Frederick, W. C. (1994): From CSR1 to CSR2 The
Maturing of Business-and-Society Thought. En:
Business &Society, 33(2), 150-164.
Frederick, W. C. (1998): Moving to CSR What to
Packfor the Trip. En: Business &Society, 37(1),
Freeman, R.E., (1984): Strategic Management: a
stakeholder approach.Boston: PitmanPublishing
Inc, 46.
Ghobadian, A.; Gallear, D. y Hopkins, M. (2007):
“TQM and CSR nexus”. En:International Journal
of Quality & Reliability Management, 24(7),
Gulyás, Á. (2009): Corporate social responsibility
in the British media industries - preliminary findings.
En: Media, Culture &Society, 31(4), 657-
668. ICTE. Instituto para la Calidad Turística Española
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Idemudia, U. (2008): Conceptualising the CSR and
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I. (2013): Measuring corporate social responsibility
in tourism: Development and validation of
an efficient measurement scale in the hospitality
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(2007): Informe del foro de expertos en RSE.
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social corporativa? En: Gobierno corporativo,
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voluntario a un sistema comunitario de gestión
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de 25 de noviembre de 2009, relativo a la
participación voluntaria de organizaciones en
un sistema comunitario de gestión y auditoría
medioambientales (EMAS), y por el que se derogan
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En: Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea, 342
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I., & Allan, S. (2012): Extractive multinationals
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y Certificación (2000): UNE-EN-ISO 9001:
2000. Disponible en:
AENOR - Asociación Española de Normalización
y Certificación, (2004):UNE-EN- ISO 14001.
Disponible en:
Amaeshi, K. M., Adi, B. C., Ogbechie, C., & Amao,
O. O. (2006): Corporate social responsibility in
Nigeria. En: Journal of CorporateCitizenship,
2006(24), 83-99.
Bansal, P., & Hunter, T. (2003): Explicaciones estratégicas
para la pronta adopción de la norma
ISO 14001. En: Journal of Business Ethics , 46
(3), 289-299.
Barcellos, L. & Gil, A. M. (2011): Los desafíos
para la sostenibilidad empresarial en el siglo
XXI. En: Revista Galega de Economía, 2011, vol.
20, no 2, p. 1.
Bigne, E., Chumpitaz, R., Andreu, L. & Swaen, V.
(2005): Percepción de la responsabilidad social
corporativa: un análisis cross-cultural.En: Universia
Business Review, (5), 14-27.
Bohdan, W. & Przasnyski, Z. (1999): Total quality
requires serious training. En: Quality Progress,
October, pp. 63-73.
Carroll, A. B. (1979): A Three Dimensional Conceptual
Model of Corporate Social Performance.
En: Academy of Management Review 4(4),
497–505.Carroll, A. B. (1991): The Pyramid of Corporate
Social Responsibility: Toward the Moral Management
of Organizational Stakeholders. En: Business
Horizons 34(4), 39–48.
Carroll, A. B.(1999): Corporate Social Responsibility.
Evolution of a Definitional Construct.En:
Business & Society 38(3), 268–295.
Carroll, A. B. (2000): A Commentary and an Overview
of Key Questions on Corporate Social Performance
Measurement.En: Business & Society
39(4), 466–478.
Castka, P., Bamber, C. J., Bamber, D. J., & Sharp,
J. M. (2004)/ a: Integrating corporate social responsibility
(CSR) into ISO management systems–
in search of a feasible CSR management system
framework.En: The TQM Magazine, 16(3), 216-
Castka, P., Balzarova , M. A., Bamber, C. J., &
Sharp, J. M. (2004)/b: How can SMEs effectively
implement the CSR agenda? A UK case study
perspective. En: Corporate Social Responsibility
and Environmental Management, 11(3), 140-
CCE - Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas
(2001): Libro Verde: Fomentar un marco europeo
para la responsabilidad social de las empresas.
COM (2001) 366 final. Bruselas, 18.7.2001.
Consultado el 19 de marzo del 2014 en: http://
CCE - Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas,
(2002): Comunicación de la Comisión relativa a
la responsabilidad social de las empresas: una
contribución empresarial al desarrollo sostenible
COM(2002) 347 final. Bruselas, 2.7.2002.
Consultado el 15 de abril del 2014 en: http://
Clarkson, M. E. (1995): A stakeholder framework
for analyzing and evaluating corporate social
performance. En: Academy of management review,
20(1), 92-117.
Curkovic, S. (2003): Environmentally responsible
manufacturing: the development and validation
of a measurement model. En: EuropeanJournal of
OperationalResearch, 146(1), 130-155.
D’aprile, G., & Talò, C. (2013): Measuring Corporate
Social Responsibility as a Psychosocial
Construct: A New Multidimensional Scale. En:
EmployeeResponsibilities and RightsJournal,
Dahlsrud, A. (2008): How corporate social responsibility
is defined: an analysis of 37 definitions.
En: Corporate social responsibility and environmental
management, 15(1), 1-13.
Dopico Parada, A., Rodríguez Daponte, R. & González
Vázquez, E. (2014): Valoración de la RSC
por el consumidor y medición de su efecto sobre
las compras. En: Revista de Administração de
Empresas, 54(1).
ENAC. Entidad Nacional de Acreditación (2013).
Consultado el 15 de septiembre del 2013 en:
Esrock, S. L., & Leichty, G. B. (1998): Social responsibility
and corporate web pages: self-presentation
or agenda-setting?. En: Publicrelationsreview,
24(3), 305-319.
Frederick, W. C. (1994): From CSR1 to CSR2 The
Maturing of Business-and-Society Thought. En:
Business &Society, 33(2), 150-164.
Frederick, W. C. (1998): Moving to CSR What to
Packfor the Trip. En: Business &Society, 37(1),
Freeman, R.E., (1984): Strategic Management: a
stakeholder approach.Boston: PitmanPublishing
Inc, 46.
Ghobadian, A.; Gallear, D. y Hopkins, M. (2007):
“TQM and CSR nexus”. En:International Journal
of Quality & Reliability Management, 24(7),
Gulyás, Á. (2009): Corporate social responsibility
in the British media industries - preliminary findings.
En: Media, Culture &Society, 31(4), 657-
668. ICTE. Instituto para la Calidad Turística Española
(2013). Consultado el 10 de noviembre del
2013 en:
Idemudia, U. (2008): Conceptualising the CSR and
development debate. En: Journal of CorporateCitizenship,
2008(29), 91-110.
INE - Instituto Nacional de Estadística (2013). Encuesta
de ocupación hotelera. Consultado el 15
de diciembre del 2013 en:
Jamrozy, U. (2007): Marketing of tourism: a paradigm
shift toward sustainability. En: International
Journal of Culture, Tourism and HospitalityResearch,
1(2), 117-130.
Lantos, G.P., (2001): The boundaries of strategic
corporate social responsibility.En: Journal of
consumer marketing, 18 (7), pp. 595-632.
Maignan, I., & Ferrell, O. C. (2001): Corporate
citizenship as a marketing instrument-Concepts,
evidence and research directions. En: European-
Journal of Marketing, 35(3/4), 457-484.
Maignan, I., Ferrell, O., & Hult, G. (1999): Corporate
citizenship: cultural antecedents and business
benefits. En: Journal of theAcademy of
Marketing Science, 27(4), 455-469.
Margolis, J. D. And Walsh, J. P. (2003): Misery loves
companies: Rethinking social initiatives by
business. En: Administrative Science Quarterly,
48, 268-305.
Martínez, P., Pérez, A., & Rodríguez Del Bosque,
I. (2013): Measuring corporate social responsibility
in tourism: Development and validation of
an efficient measurement scale in the hospitality
industry. En: Journal of Travel&Tourism Marketing,
30(4), 365-385
Mayers, J. (2005): Análisis del Poder de las Partes
Interesadas. En: International InstituteforEnvironment
and Development.
Mcadam, R., & Leonard, D. (2003): Corporate social
responsibility in a total quality management
context: opportunities for sustainable growth.
En: CorporateGovernance, 3(4), 36-45.
Mcguire, J.W., (1963): Business and society (Vol.
144).New York: McGraw-Hill.
Mcwilliams, A., & Siegel, D. (2001): Corporate social
responsibility: A theory of the firm perspective.
En: Academy of management review, 26(1),
Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales de España
(2007): Informe del foro de expertos en RSE.
Disponible en:
Moir, L. (2001): ¿Qué se entiende por responsabilidad
social corporativa? En: Gobierno corporativo,
1 (2), 16-22.
Panwar, R., Rinne, T., Hansen, E., & Juslin, H.
(2006): Corporate responsibility: balancing economic,
environmental, and social issues in the
forest products industry. En: ForestProductsJournal.
Parlamento Europeo, (2001): Reglamento (CEE) nº
761/2001 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo,
de 19 de marzo de 2001, por el que se permite
que las organizaciones se adhieranconcarácter
voluntario a un sistema comunitario de gestión
y auditoría medioambiental (EMAS). En: Diario
Oficial de la Unión Europea, 114 (24.04), pp. 01.
Parlamento Europeo, (2009): Reglamento (CEE) Nº
1221/2009 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo,
de 25 de noviembre de 2009, relativo a la
participación voluntaria de organizaciones en
un sistema comunitario de gestión y auditoría
medioambientales (EMAS), y por el que se derogan
el Reglamento (CE) no 761/2001 y las Decisiones
2001/681/CE y 2006/193/CE de la Comisión.
En: Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea, 342
(22.12), pp. 01.
Perrini, F. (2006): SMEs and CSR theory: evidence
and implications from an Italian perspective. En:
Journal of Business Ethics, 67(3), 305-316. Pesmatzoglou, D., Nikolaou, I. E., Evan gelinos, K.
I., & Allan, S. (2012): Extractive multinationals
and corporate social responsibility: a commitment
towards achieving the goals of sustainable
development or only a management strategy?.
En: Journal of International Development.
Post, J.E.; Preston, L.E.; Sachs, S. (2002): Managing
the Extended Enterprise: The New Stakeholder
View. En: California Management Review, 45
(1), pp. 5-28.
Rahman, N., & Post, C. (2012): Measurement issues
in environmental corporate social responsibility
(ECSR): Toward a transparent, reliable, and
construct valid instrument. En: Journal of business
ethics, 105(3), 307-319.
Rahman, S. (2011): Evaluation of definitions: ten dimensions
of corporate social responsibility. En:
WorldReview of Business Research, 1(1), 166-
Sgt -Secretaria General de Turismo- (2007): Plan
del Turismo Español Horizonte 2020. Documento
ejecutivo. Disponible en: http://www.tourspain.
Timur, S., & Getz, D. (2009): Sustainable tourism
development: How do destination stakeholders
perceive sustainable Urban Tourism? En: Sustainable
Development, 17(4), 220-232.
Panapanaan, V., Linnanen, L., Karvonen , M., &
Phan, V. (2003): Roadmapping corporate social
responsibility in Finnish companies. En: Journal
of Business Ethics, 44(2-3), 133-148.
Tinsa Research (2014): Notas de conyuntura Mercado
de inversion. Mercado hotelero. Disponible
Turker, D. (2009): Measuring corporate social responsibility:
A scale development study. En: Journal
of Business Ethics, 85(4), 411-427.
Van Der Wiele, T., Kok, P., Mckenna, R., & Brown,
A. (2001): A corporate social responsibility audit
within a quality management framework. En:
Journal of Business Ethics, 31(4), 285-297.
Van Marrewijk, M. (2003): Concepts and definitions
of CSR and corporate sustainability: between
agency and communion. En: Journal of business
ethics,44(2-3), 95-105.
Waddock, S., & Bodwell, C. (2004): Managing responsibility:
what can be learned from the quality
movement? En: California Management Review,
47(1), 25-37.
Wagner, T., Bicen, P., & Hall, Z. R. (2008): The
dark side of retailing: towards a scale of corporate
social irresponsibility. En: International
Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,
36(2), 124-142.
Wartick, S. L., & Cochran, P. L. (1985): The evolution
of the corporate social performance model.
En: Academy of managementreview, 10(4), 758-
Weber, M. (2008): The business case for corporate
social responsibility: A company-level measurement
approach for CSR. En: European Management
Journal, 26(4), 247-261.
Williamson, D., Lynch-Wood, G., & Ramsay, J.
(2006): Drivers of environmental behaviour in
manufacturing SMEs and the implications for
CSR. En: Journal of Business Ethics, 67(3), 317-
Withanachchi, N., Handa, Y., Karandagoda, K.,
Pathirage, P., Tennakoon, N., & Pullaperuma,
D. (2007): TQM emphasizing 5-S principles: a
breakthrough for chronic managerial constraints
at public hospitals in developing countries. En:
International Journal of Public Sector Management,
20(3), 168-177.
Wood, D. J. (1991): Corporate social performance
revisited. En: Academy of management review,
16(4), 691-718. Zapata-Gómez, A., & Sarache-Castro, W. A.
(2013): Calidad y responsabilidad social empresarial:
un modelo de causalidad. En: Dyna,
80(177), 31-39.
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