Nuevo marco formativo en turismo y perfiles competenciales

Antonio Guevara Plaza

The training offer in tourism has undergone significant change in recent years, resulting in an increase in the number of university degrees at national level. With the entry into force of the new titles of degrees and postgraduate degrees adapted to the European space for higher education (EEES), tourism training takes on a new framework based on competencies that try to adjust its content to the demand of the labour market.
It is important to know which are the different training levels and competencies that the titles have, to secure that jobs in companies
and institutions are occupied by people with qualified training in tourism, a key issue for an industry that lives in constant innovation and evolution, so that the talent management is essential for being competitive.
In this paper we will present the new formative framework in tourism within the university. To do this, we will make a brief analysis of the situation in which we are, then we will continue with the presentation of the objectives and competence profiles of the titles of degree, master and doctorate.

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