Barrios destino el barrio de las letras de Madrid : creación de una marca destino como estrategia de diferenciación de la oferta de turismo urbano
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The main goal of this article is to analyze the role played by the collaboration between small entrepreneurs in the creation of a destination brand and sign a specific tourist destination. The study focuses on creating and marketing a brand of warranty as a strategy of differentiation of El Barrio de las Letras in Madrid as “target area”.
The theoretical framework reviews the strategies of destination brand or labels and its objectives.
To achieve the objectives of the study it has resorted to secondary sources, primarily on qualitative information that social networks, the promotional websites of the city and articles in press. Subsequently, has resorted to primary sources of information, to obtain first-hand data on the characteristics of the cultural, commercial and tourist offer in the neighborhood of lyrics, developing a model of interview with entrepreneurs in the Barrio de Las Letras.
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