El turismo de ciudad como segmento estratégico en Andalucía aspectos diferenciales y factor de riesgo

Inmaculada Gallego Galán
Ana Moniche Bermejo

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2018
Pages: 55-76

Urban tourism in Andalusia shows some distinctive features that configures it as a strategic product in terms of policy actions. Urban tourists present a daily expenditure higher than the average tourist, its flows are more evenly distributes throughout the year, it shows a higher quality and diverse product. In terms of evolution this type of tourism has shown a steadier pace than the average, being a smart option for periods of crisis, where other products has proven to be more risky alternatives.
However, it is positive to be aware of the risk factors as overtourism is often associated with cities and urban tourism, and this situation is already identified in international urban destinations. This reality raises the need to measure and adequately manage the challenges involved in the development of urban tourism.
This paper attempts to analyze the current development of this segment in Andalusia by providing, on the one hand, a detailed analysis from the demand perspective allowing identifying and quantifying its differential features and, on the other hand, provide a first analysis of some risk factors identified as possible early warning variables for overtourism situations in Andalusia.

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