A propósito de Paradores y de la intervención en edificios históricos en la España contemporánea

Javier García-Gutiérrez Mosteiro

The now almost century-old Paradores project makes up an outstanding chapter in the history of architecture and, of course, in that of tourism. In particular, the foundational idea of reconverting ancient buildings to give them a hostelry use has put a characteristic hallmark on the whole project, and has meant a deep reflection and an interchange between the growing tourism needs and contemporary conservation culture and the management of architectural heritage.
This work deals with different aspects of such productive coexistence between heritage and tourism. Firstly, their common historical roots. Secondly, the beginnings of the Parador network, parallel to the setting up of a new cultural and legal context as regards heritage conservation. Thirdly, the repercussions that the change in the use of previous century buildings may have on the current appreciation and maintenance of their heritage values. Finally, this article establishes some bases for the present-day debate on the necessary interaction between both dynamics (which —as the example of Paradores shows— do not always have to be taxatively confronted).

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