Drivers of the international tourist's satisfaction with their trip to Spain and its different dimensions

Julio López Astor

Main Article Content

Published: jun. 30, 2023
Pages: 83-108

Turespaña has conducted a survey on tourist satisfaction aimed at international tourists and applied to them on their way out of the country after their stay. In this article, some of the relationships between overall satisfaction with the trip and several dimensions of it are examined in order to find possible drivers. For that purpose, two multivariate analysis tools were employed: Spearman rank correlation coefficients between pairs of variables and logit regression analysis between factors and a dummy satisfaction variable were calculated and interpreted.
A main finding contained in this article is that none of the dimensions studied (lodging, dining, leisure offerings, environment, infrastructure and transportation in the destination) seem to have a dominant role as a driver of satisfaction with the trip, but one other dimension studied (sustainability) does seem to be more disconnected than the rest with the overall level of satisfaction.

Article Details

tourist satisfaction, drivers of tourist satisfaction, Spearman rank correlation, logit regression

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