Turismo experiencial travesías por el territorio y valoración del patrimonio cultural
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The rediscovery of the journey, as knowledge experience associated with the practice of free time, is an essential condition for a rethinking of the tourist phenomenon and for a substantial revision of its spaces. The speed of movement gives way to slowness and the sight, adapting to the extended times of the journey, pauses to scrutinize the territory, capturing specificities and differences of the landscape. It is not the achievement of a predetermined goal to induce the human being to travel, but rather the desire to make the journey itself an experience, coming into contact with traditions, languages, lifestyles that characterize the places crossed; a journey in which the unexpected, banned in planned transfers of mass tourism, paradoxically becomes a stimulating and rewarding moment for a traveler in search of new emotions.
The road is a privileged place to observe the territory in the act of crossing it, to be able to describe it and to go back, through its most obvious manifestations, to the reasons for its construction. The crossings of the territory, associated with new tourism practices, lead to the revelation of forgotten places and disused artifacts that become available for new uses within a project aimed at enhancing the cultural heritage.
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- Luigi Coccia, Turismo rural , Estudios Turísticos: No. 224 (2022): II Simposio Internacional "Paradores, turismo y cultura. Rumbo al centenario"
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