Paradores como eje dinamizador sociocultural de su territorio

José Ignacio Bosch García

Paradores de turismo de España is a unique and hardly repeatable company, the largest and best example of public hotel chain that in its 90th Anniversary looks back to analyze its history, with no intention of falling into melancholy, but as the best means to find new reasons to focus on the future full of objectives and challenges that serve to endorse the opportunity of having a public hotel chain that responds efficiently to the needs that Spanish society is proposing and which it has to respond in an adaptive manner. In this paper we want to make this analysis, of the needs that as a public entity has been covering throughout its history, adapting its strategy to contribute its grain of sand in each moment for a tourist and socioeconomic development of the territories where locates, and of course trying in it, to contribute to the present and future aspects that this company can provide as an added value and therefore serve to continue endorsing with solvency a structure linked to the public sphere.

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