Las obras de arte de Paradores descubrir una colección

María Gimeno Munuera

Paradores de Turismo boasts an art collection of almost 10,000 pieces, a truly differentiating feature of a company that ties in with its values and its mission: to project an image of modernity and quality for the Spanish tourist sector.
The acquisition of works began for merely decorative purposes and it was not until the 21st century that Paradores became fully aware that it boasts such an impressive art collection. A peculiar and unique collection, it is spread across the network of almost 100 hotels and includes everything from archaeological pieces to 21st century works representing numerous artistic styles and a wide range of artists who have left their mark on the fields of textiles, painting, sculpture, graphic work and furniture. The common factor throughout the collection is that all the works are Spanish or by artists closely associated with Spain.
The management arrangements for these pieces have changed on a number of occasions. At present, Paradores manages the art collection, prioritising its security and conservation, but with the focus on promoting and growing the collection.

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Moreno-Barberá Von Harstentein, Fernando. (2014): Fernando Moreno Barberá. Un arquitecto en Turismo. Valencia: General de Ediciones de Arquitectura.

Rodríguez Pérez, María José. (2018): La Red de Paradores. Arquitectura e historia del turismo 1911-1951. Madrid: Editorial Turner.

Gimeno Munuera, María y Raquel Collazos García (Coord.) (2015): Paradores de Turismo. La colección artística. Madrid: Editorial TF.

Saínz de Vicuña, Manuel. (2000): Paradores Nacionales de Turismo. Charla Escuela técnica de arquitectura. Paradores de Turismo de España, S.M.E, S.A. Legado Sainz de Vicuña.