Las cerámicas vidriadas de la estación de Chamberí, Madrid un recurso patrimonial para el turismo cultural

Elena Mercedes Pérez-Monserrat

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2020
Pages: 71-93

The cultural tourism management takes into account the right of societies to access to the knowledge and culture, as well as the need for their appropriate communication in order to achieve a better understanding and conservation of the cultural heritage. Considering the multidisciplinary and integrating nature of the cultural heritage and the initiatives of scientific dissemination to citizens, to consider in the cultural tourism the knowledge related to the building materials that shape the architectural heritage is proposed. These materials have a very important patrimonial value, since they are the image of such heritage and of its retention in our memory. In this sense, the glazed ceramics of the Former Chamberí Metro Station of Madrid (1919) represent an exceptional heritage and cultural resource. Therefore, the study of glazed ceramics may be tackled through a multidisciplinary approach where the scientific perspective is also involved, as the information provided by the documentary sources, the skills developed by the craftsmen and the data obtained by means of analytical techniques could be jointly addressed. Moreover, to visit the places of past times entails a very significant tourist attraction, even more when its original atmosphere and its pristine function have been preserved. The visit to the Former Chamberí Metro Station is both welcoming to the visitor and respectful to the place, offering in turn a cultural tourism that interacts with the local identity of its surroundings.

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