Turismo e indicadores ambientales en la Unión Europea turismo y COVID-19

Miguel Tufic Brocca Tovar
Miguel Álvaro Aguirre Royuela
Rafael Andrés David Fernández
Luis Ricardo Velázquez Chena

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2020
Pages: 9-37

The relationship between tourism and the environment holds a crucial role in EU’s tourism policies, nevertheless, the sector’s economic competitiveness tends to be the primary objective and therefore there are very few specific mentions to tourism’s impacts produced on the environment or their measurement. Nowadays, the assessment tools and the indicator systems developed by European and international organisations to specifically analyze the tourism industry consist mainly of structural indicators, thus leaving environmental impacts in the background. Beginning in 2001 with the European Commission’s Communication “Working together for the future of European tourism” (COM(2001) 665 final), concluding with the recent “European Green Deal” (COM (2019) 028 final) and taking into account the compliance of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, this article analyzes the main European initiatives regarding tourism policy, identifying specific mentions to the environment and their primary focus. Specifically, the article analyzes the existing tourism and environment indicator systems defined for the European Union, emphasizing their approach and the main lacks of information they present in order to properly study the impacts of tourism on the environment.

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