La industria de los rodajes en España y su influencia en el screen tourism

Carlos Manuel Rosado Cobián

Main Article Content

Published: jun. 30, 2021
Pages: 53-68

Spain experiments an excellent period regarding the production of large motion-picture works, not only films but also television series. Nevertheless, the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic present difficulties to recover the level of activity experimented before March 2020. All in all, besides the evolution of the health situation, the industry is showing proof enough of its ability to recover and adapt to the new circumstances.

Article Details


Rosado Cobián, C, y Querol Fernández, P. (2006): Cine y Turismo. Una nueva estrategia de promoción, Madrid, Editorial: Ocho y Medio.

Riley, R. y Van Doren, C. (1998), Movie induced tourism, Annals of Tourism Research. Vol. 25, No 4.

España. Andalucía Film Commission (2018): Dossier de Prensa La Gran Ruta de cine por Andalucía. Sevilla.