Hacia la conceptualización de los espacios naturales inteligentes en el actual escenario turístico. Una aproximación al caso DTI de la Comunidad Valenciana

David Giner
Marc Fuster
Ana Pastor

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2021
Pages: 113-126

New patterns of tourism consumption and changes in the use and enjoyment of natural spaces and resources have led to a transformation in the way these territories are conceptualized, offering a significant opportunity to review their planning and management from the perspective of the Smart Model. The objective of smart natural spaces is to ensure efficiency in the management of the use of natural environments through the appropriate application of governance and technology. Their role is essential in order to improve the experience and generate a sustainable positive impact across the territory.
This study proposes a modelling of the management of the natural space in accordance with the basic principles and axes of the smart tourist destination model of the Valencian Community. The development of the model is based on active governance and the identification of collaboration methods between the agents that conform, collaborate, and participate in the natural space, taking into account a series of guidelines that aim to promote accessibility, safety, sustainability and enhance the tourist experience both in the protected space and in its area of influence.

Article Details

Smart Tourism Destinations, Natural Spaces, Governance, Destination Management

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