Arte Ego Programme: Art and nature tourism in Europe

Roberto Ramos de León

Main Article Content

Published: jun. 30, 2023
Pages: 23-34

From 2019, Centre for the Research, Documentation and Cooperation (INDOC) of Center for Art and Nature (CDAN), develops the research programme “Arte Ego: art and nature tourism in Europe”. Its main aim consists bringing to fore those best practices concerning cultural tourism focused on the relationships between the art, the nature, the landscape. Therefore, in the last few years INDOC has been organising training meetings with some of the entities promoting these initiatives: art centres, associations, foundations, etc. Some of them are analyzed in this article, resulting from the second International Symposium “Paradores, Turismo y Territorio: Rumbo al Centenario”.

Article Details

art and nature, land art, cultural tourism, landscape, CDAN
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