El legado de Bedriñana: la protección filantrópica del patrimonio cultural y la potenciación turística de Monte Real

Víctor Miguel Fernández

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2021
Pages: 45-79

Monte Real fortress in Baiona (Galicia, Spain) was a global example of the importance of the role of private capital in the safeguard of Cultural Heritage, as well as the tourist enhancement of monuments historical-artistic in the first half of the 20th century. All of this was consecrated under the name of the great forgotten asturian philanthropist called Ángel Bedriñana Meana, who knew how to find the perfect combined balance between historical preservation, the enjoyment of modern life and the requirement to adapt a historical place to be visited more easily and confortably by tourists.

Article Details

Monte Real, Baiona, Cultural Heritage, tourist enhancement, monuments, Ángel Bedriñana, historical preservation

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