De los aeródromos a los aeropuertos: la transformación de la movilidad turística en España (1941-1964)

José Joaquín García Gómez
Domingo Cuéllar
Andrés Sánchez Picón

Main Article Content

Published: jun. 30, 2022
Pages: 245-272

The development of commercial aviation in Spain from 1950 was reflected in a slow process of change that meant, on the one hand, an evident modernization of the means of transport and, on the other hand, a strong boost to the arrival of tourists from the outside. Initially there was a conflict with the interests of the Ministry of the Air, which at that time was responsible for air traffic, but as of the 1958 Airports Law, planning with a clear commercial vocation was consolidated in the Spanish air navigation system. This would entail the creation of numerous airports that would have the capacity to accommodate larger aircraft and superior technology (jets), which would open the doors to the flows of foreign tourists, and also nationals, who began to use the plane for that purpose.
Thus, during the 1950s and early 1960s there was a transformation of the old network of aerodromes into a true system of modern airports that not only increased the capacity to receive commercial flights, but also increased security and, especially, the comforts and the services offered to passengers, many of them foreign tourists. It was therefore an important strategic investment commitment from the public sector, taken advantage of by the private sector, which contrasted with RENFE’s more commercial strategy, focused not so much on infrastructures as on attracting customers from the growing tourist flows that arrived to Spain. As a result of all this, Iberia and other foreign flag carriers increased their flights to and from Spain, although the role of charter airlines will be growing and decisive in subsequent Spanish tourism development.

Article Details

Airports, commercial aviation, francoism, tour operators, charter
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