Noticia de una influencia norteamericana en el origen de la red de paradores: tornaviaje de ideas y modelos

María José Rodríguez Pérez

“News of an American Influence on the Origin of the Paradores Network: the to-and-fro Journey of Ideas and Models” The model of territorial organisation and the heritage value of the public hotel network, arising on the Iberian Peninsula, as we know them today, have a raison d’être that goes back several centuries and even incorporates, in a significant “return journey”, the experiences from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.
This article highlights this circumstance in order to explain the reasons that determined the formation and evolution of the first hotel network, associated with the promotion of road and automobile tourism on both continents: in California, in the USA, the case of the motel network; and in Spain, that of Paradores. On the one hand, this study considers the determining value of the type of transport and, on the other, the relationship with the culture of architectural heritage conservation.

Article Details

Franciscan Missions of Alta California, Mission Revival, the Marquis de la Vega-Inclán, automobile tourism, first motel, roadside inn, Paradores network
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