Madrid Renove Hoteles: una iniciativa del Coam para promover la rehabilitación hotelera

Inés Leal Maldonado
Pilar Pereda Suquet

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2014
Pages: 29-46
Madrid Official School of Architects (COAM, in Spanish), reflecting on the need that citizens, property owners and users
understand the value of the buildings´ rehabilitation, has raised a public awareness strategy and training for professionals, which main
objective is to promote real integral projects of energy rehabilitation of nearly zero energy consumption.
It is about educating society that the rehabilitation is possible by consuming less energy, achieving financial savings and improving
the comfort and accessibility of buildings.
In this context, Madrid Renove initiatives appears, generating pilot projects for different uses and sectors, and whose main keys are
citizens´ participation, the involvement of the professionals and the public-private partnership. Within this initiative, Madrid Renove
Hotels project serves to show the benefits of rehabilitation at one in the key sector of the economy, the tourism sector.

Article Details

Rehabilitación Integral, Hoteles, Arquitectura, Energías Renovables, Sensibilización, Usuario, Participación Ciudadana, Financiación, Ayudas a la Rehabilitación