Evolución del turismo de cruceros: la relación existente entre destino-crucero
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the new leisure culture that represents this market. The relationship between the destination and cruise tourism is introduced from a
global view of the situation with its various components, and considering the evolution of cruise tourism in Europe and the Canary
Islands. Then the elements involved to meet the needs and expectations of the cruise industry into a tourist destination are defined.
Also, the process of adapting the case of the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canariain recent decades is definedand also the future lines of
development globally and in the Canary Islands for this market. In conclusion the great evolution of cruise tourism is highlighted in this
destination in recent years thanks to the interaction of all public and private agents, without forgetting the needs of demand, self-image
and city development and planning not only based on economic results but on objective criteria of environmental sustainability
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