Estimación de la demanda turística de un espacio natural mediante un modelo gravitacional

Javier Alarcón Luque

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2014
Pages: 107-117
In this work, a gravity model with which to estimate the tourism demand of a certain natural area is proposed. The parameters required to calibrate this model come from the relation made between the total number of visitors accounted in a given year
in that place, and the population and distance from nearby towns. Such a model may be useful for estimating the number of people per
year who can visit a place with similar characteristics to the one studied, therefore saving expensive job to perform and process field
surveys. The estimation can be improved by introducing inherent attributes of the natural area under consideration, and travel costs,
among other variables. Alternatively, when knowing the actual number of visitors in a given year, disaggregated by regions of origin, the
estimate for other years could be done by relating these values with certain data at regional level from the Survey of Tourist Movements
of the Spanish (Familitur).

Article Details

demanda/atracción turística, número de visitantes, área de influencia, modelo gravitacional, encuesta Familitur

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