El turismo accesible en las políticas de la Unión Europea (1)

Pedro Ortún

Main Article Content

Published: jun. 30, 2015
Pages: 19-25

In the European Union there is a coherent framework covering the different fi elds of action to ensure accessibility,
participation and equality of persons with disabilities, since transport policies up to normalization, from the safety of the goods of
consumption to education, employment and culture.
Tourism, third sector of the European Union (EU), not only is an integral part, but it plays a very important role as a driving force
behind success of much of the actions and community strategies for disability. Tourism promotes social inclusion and improving the
facilities and services of transportation, accommodation, cultural offerings and sport, etc. Moreover, tourism promotes the quality and innovation. Where tourism is growing to meet the needs of all tourists, regardless of disability or age, the quality of life of the residents improving. Accessible tourism is a better tourism.
Tourism accessibility is a matter of human rights but also an integral art of any sustainable and responsible tourism policy. It is alsoa compelling business opportunity. The article reviews the EU legal framework on disability, focussing on actions and priorities, as well as EU funding opportunities across the different multiannual fi nancial instruments 2014-2020 to implement accessible tourism projects.

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