Los blogs de turismo accesible: a salto de mata. Difusión objetiva de destinos accesibles

Miguel Nonay Almalé

Main Article Content

Published: jun. 30, 2015
Pages: 229-260

The biggest problem faced by disabled tourists when traveling is the lack of quality information and reliable information on accessible destinations, activities that can be performed, hotels for all, or restaurants to enjoy the local cuisine. Blogs accessible tourism as A salto de mata or Viajeros sin límite, share this information clearly and as reliableas video in which a disabled traveler enjoys
the most beautiful and accessible places with his wheelchair.

Article Details


NONAY ALMALE M. (2009): asaltodemata.com: blog de viaje con silla de ruedas, Zaragoza.

NONAY ALMALE M. (2010): viajerossinlimite.com: vídeos emocionales para destinos accesibles. Zaragoza.