Parque Nacional Iguazú accesible

Karina Pudor

Main Article Content

Published: jun. 30, 2015
Pages: 189-202

The Iguazu National Park, created in 1934 as one of the first of the Argentinian Republic, is located in the north of the province of Misiones, occupying an area of 67,000 hectares, 40 of them are able to welcome tourism.
The Park was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1984, and in 1996 the National Parks Administration opened a International and National Call of Tenders to provide new and accessible infrastructure to these 40 acres surrounding the Iguazu Falls, under strict environmental standards and improving services to visitors from all over the world.
The joint venture Carlos E. Enriquez and Others Group, under the name of Iguazú Argentina® won that Call of Tenders, so it became responsible for the construction, conservation, management and the commercial exploitation of this new infrastructure facilities in the Falls Area.
Iguazú Argentina® Company, with the goal of improving the quality of care for the environment, has an Integrated Management System.
In February of 2012, New7Wonder Foundation formalized the Iguazu Falls as one of the Seven Wonders of Nature, and in April 2013 the company certifi ed Accessibility Guidelines through the Ministry of Tourism of the Argentinian Republic.

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