Formación turística en España, 1957-2010 condicionantes históricos, soluciones actuales en el marco del EEES y vínculos con la investigación turística

Alejandro Sepúlveda Sánchez
Marta Plumed Lasarte

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2015
Pages: 59-80
This paper examines the historical evolution and current situation of university tourism education which has been
identifi ed here as the fi rst step in defi ning improvement proposals for tourism graduates. The results from the qualitative and quantitative
methods show how tourism education has been incorporated very late to the Spanish university system, and until the Bologna reform,
tourism was not reaching the bachelor level, a situation which has motivated students to undertake postgraduate courses in order to
complete their education. The approval of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has resulted in the creation of the new degrees
of bachelor, master and PhD in tourism in Spain, a new frame which is expected to produce better results in terms of tourism research and
education in the future in Spain. Nevertheless, there exist some barriers for an extensive development of tourism research as the natural
subsequent step after education, highlighting the lack of scientifi c consideration of tourism and its exclusion from the offi cial knowledge
areas of the Spanish Agency of Evaluation and Foresight.

Article Details

Turismo, formación, investigación, ciencia
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