Integración del turismo de naturaleza y urbano Bases metodológicas para la gestión

Isis Alejandra Camargo Toribio
Fidel Ortiz Ordaz

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2015
Pages: 27-41
The purpose of this article is to present the main results of a project of research entitled “Methodological bases for
managing the integration between the nature and urban toursim in the province os Pinar del Río, Cuba”; developed during the period
2010-2014. The study starts from the dismantling of these modalities in geographical frames of a province, which generates a poor tourist
management. Through bibliographic consultation and the application of a survey model and two interviews, which were processed
statistically, which allowed to make a proposal that is structured in six steps (key elements, assumptions, principles, practical actions and
operations; as well as stages for its implementation) that subsequently is valid using the method of experts, in its version of comparison
by pairs, resulting according to the opinion of the experts consulted, of great utility to contribute to the solution of the problem exposed.

Article Details

Bases metodológicas, gestión integrada, turismo de naturaleza, turismo urbano
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