La comunicación externa online en los museos estatales y el turismo una relación de complicidad

Trinidad Vacas Guerrero
Alicia Orea

Main Article Content

Published: Jun 30, 2016
Pages: 75-96
Currently technology is growing up really quickly and his adaptation is important in all fields. Presently institutions like
museums confront big challenges about communication skills. The generally use of Internet and social networks are producing new
communication tools that growing up greater and faster. They create movements that are in constantly change. Throught this article, we analyse the implication of state museums spaniards and their strategies of communication specially online. It’s really important to analyze and to evaluate communication skills that are doing in the museums object of study with the purpose of INSERT INTO publication_settings (publication_id,locale,setting_name,setting_value) VALUES ( knowledges and keep the contact with their target audiences.

Article Details

Museos, comunicación, público, redes sociales