Orientando nuestros museos hacia el turismo estrategias convergentes en museos dependientes de la Subdirección General de Museos Estatales

Héctor del Barrio Alvarellos

Main Article Content

Published: jun. 30, 2016
Pages: 17-47
Museums in Spain are undoubtedly strong attractions to attract tourists, both internationally and nationally. It is therefore
one of the important keys to understand the cultural tourism, whose main motivation is the cultural activity and that in recent years has
considerably increase in Spain. Dependent museums of the General Office of State Museums are sixteen with an enormous heterogeneity:
large and small museums distributed by the Spanish geography and characterized by its special relevance. Many of these museums have
a high percentage of visiting tourists, both foreign and national, while others have a small number of visitors and tourist public number.
The tourist is a visitor who requires specific services to motivate his visit and to make it the most satisfying. Topics such as
signalization (both urban and domestic), the presence in usual channels of tourism (travel guides, tourist information offices, etc.) or
the provision of information in several languages are important measures to promote more and better reception to tourism. The State
Museum Office as a central unit that supports and organizes common activities, develops part of these measures with the aim of making
its dependent museums attractive centers of cultural tourism in Spain.

Article Details

Museos, Museos Estatales, Museos Nacionales, Turismo cultural, Producto turístico, Estrategias, Madrid, Valladolid, Toledo, Cartagena, Valencia, Mérida y Altamira