Museo Casa Natal de Cervantes en Alcalá de Henares un icono para el turismo cultural en una ciudad Patrimonio Mundial

Eusebio Bonilla
Aránzazu Urbina

Main Article Content

Published: jun. 30, 2016
Pages: 139-158
Since its creation in the 50s, the Museo Casa Natal de Cervantes, which is undoubtfully joined to the cultural icon that the
writer represents, has become one of the references in the cultural and touristic development of the Alcalá de Henares, declared World
Heritage Site in 1998 by UNESCO.
This article offers a panoramic vision of what the museum means currently, its collections, exhibitions and activities, in its tourist
field and in its relation with other institutions, cities and international projects that grant a dimension that goes further than the Comunidad
de Madrid.

Article Details

Turismo, museos, Cervantes, Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO, Alcalá de Henares, Comunidad de Madrid