El empleo en el sector turístico español y su papel en la recuperación de la crisis económica

Beatriz García Moreno
Andrés Fernández Alcantud

Main Article Content

Published: sept. 30, 2016
Pages: 29-41

Tourism has played a decisive and key role in the recovery of the economic crisis experienced by Spain. The Spanish tourism sector was fundamental in the 60s of the 20th century in the economic development of Spain, generating foreign exchange inflows that financed the acquisition of capital goods for our industrialization, and fifty years later it again plays a decisive role as an economic engine. Vital to its role in contributing to economic recovery and the effective exit of the most serious crisis experienced by Spain in recent times.
Spanish tourism industry is considered as a strategic sector of the economy, representing 11% of GDP and approximately 13% of total employment. As well, this sector has resist the economic crisis occurred between 2008 and 2014 much better than the others, increasing the number of employees during this period. According with the previous results, international tourism demand has grown a lot in Spain in recent years, reaching the record figure of 68.2 million arrivals in 2015.
The analysis of the data of Labour Force Survey confirms the positive evolution of employment in the tourism sector. Tourism activities continue to generate employment, as they have been doing steadily since mid-2013, and in 2015 even more intensively.
The early recovery of international flows of arrivals has a positive influence on the recovery of the economy and on the generation of employment, both in the most characteristic branches of tourism and in other branches of activity of the economy, thanks to the spillover effects of the productive system. Tourism is consolidated as a clear motor of recovery and growth, contributing to alleviate the effects of the crisis and favoring the return to the path of promotion.
The future prospects are very favorable for the tourism sector as reflected in the forecasts made regarding tourist flows, expenditure on tourism and employment in the sector.

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