Preferencias del turista portugués en España 1983-2014

Nuria Querol Aragón
Ángela Callejón Gil

Main Article Content

Published: sept. 30, 2016
Pages: 65-77
This article summarizes the specific characteristics of the Portuguese tourist in Spain and its evolution based on three variables studied, the Autonomous Community chosen as a destination to come to Spain, the month chosen to visit that country and the category of the chosen hotel establishment. All data are from the INE and refer to the number of overnight stays in hotel establishments incurred (hotels and pensions) from 1983 to the present, with the statistical technique used correspondence analysis.
The purpose consists in obtaining conclusions about the characteristics of tourists of this nationality based on historical data about their choices.

Article Details

Pernoctación, viajero, turista portugués, estancia media, estacionalidad